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Today, 3 December 2024, there are 247 articles available.

Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open source server virtualization management solution based on QEMU/KVM and LXC. You can manage virtual machines, containers, highly available clusters, storage and networks with an integrated, easy-to-use web interface or via CLI. Proxmox VE code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3. The project is developed and maintained by Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH.

For an overview of the Proxmox VE key features see the Proxmox website.


Download our latest ISO image.


You can install Proxmox VE either on your hardware from USB or CD-ROM using our ISO image, or alternatively on top of an existing Debian installation.

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Using Proxmox VE

This wiki includes the complete Proxmox VE Reference Documentation.

If you are new to Proxmox VE the following chapters will help you to start:

Offline Documentation

The complete Proxmox VE Reference Documentation is also available offline in different formats such as html, pdf, epub at

This documentation is also included in each PVE installation, and is accessible via contextual help buttons.

HOWTOs & Troubleshooting

How to do something
Hardware for Proxmox VE
What to do if something fails

Release History and Roadmap

Take a look on the Roadmap for upcoming features.

Video Tutorials

For new Proxmox VE users, we regularly publish video tutorials on our website, see


10,000+ companies, universities, public institutions and NGOs use Proxmox VE in production environment. Take a look on our testimonials page.

Startpage with 3 Cluster nodes