Hotplug (qemu disk,nic,cpu,memory)

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Proxmox support hotplugging of qemu devices

- disks (hotplug/unplug)

- nics (hotplug/unplug)

- cpu (core hotplug only)

- memory (hotplug only - not yet released)

Linux Guests notes

you need to have 2 modules loaded in your linux guest

#modprobe acpiphp
#modprobe pci_hotplug

for cpu && memory hotplug,

you need a recent kernel > 3.10

and a udev rules, to auto enable cpus or memory hotplugged

you can add a file:


SUBSYSTEM=="cpu", ACTION=="add", TEST=="online", ATTR{online}=="0", ATTR{online}="1"
SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="add", TEST=="state", ATTR{state}=="offline", ATTR{state}="online"

Windows Guests notes

- Disk and nic hotplug is working out of the box for all windows versions >2003 - cpu && memory hotplug is working on > 2008 enterprise/datacenter, 2012 > standard

Disk && Nic hotplug/unplug

edit your vm configuration file


and add

hotplug: 1

Then add/remove your disk or nics as usual.

For disk unplug, verify that your disk is not mounted in your linux guest or disabled in windows disk management.

CPU hotplug


and add

cores: 1
maxcpus: 16

You will start your vm with 1 cpu|cores, and you can hotplug later up to 16 cores.

Simply use the gui as usual to add cpus.

Note: you can't hotplug sockets with multiple cores, so don't define socket option.

memory hotplug

Need to be done