[pve-devel] nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet error

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Tue Oct 11 11:00:34 CEST 2011

ok, and does it need conntrack on bridge ? 

I never try vz, so i don't know how it's work .....

I'll try to simply disable /etc/init.d/vz as I don't use it. 

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com> 
À: "Alexandre DERUMIER" <aderumier at odiso.com> 
Cc: pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com 
Envoyé: Mardi 11 Octobre 2011 10:52:36 
Objet: RE: [pve-devel] nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet error 

> yes, CONFIG_BRIDGE_NETFILTER is enabled, but depend on nf_conntrack 
> module. 
> so, the nf_conntrack is loaded , but I don't know why ..... 
> Maybe it was already loaded before with debian kernel ? (can you confirm me 
> nf_conntrack was loaded with previous debian kernel ?) 
> If nf_conntrack must really loaded (maybe some users need iptables), I think 
> CONFIG_BRIDGE_NETFILTER must be disabled by default. 
> Conntrack on bridge can be easily saturated on hosts with many vms. 

ok, the modile is loaded in /etc/init.d/vz 

# modinfo vzrst 
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.32-6-pve/kernel/kernel/cpt/vzrst.ko 
license: GPL 
author: Alexey Kuznetsov <alexey at sw.ru> 
srcversion: 173F9B166568B1B971BA164 
depends: nf_conntrack,ipv6,nfs,lockd,nf_nat,vzmon 
vermagic: 2.6.32-6-pve SMP mod_unload modversions 

Obviously 'vzrst' depends on that. 



	Alexandre Derumier 
Ingénieur système 
e-mail : aderumier at odiso.com 
Tél : +33 (0)3 20 68 88 90 
Fax : +33 (0)3 20 68 90 81 
45 Bvd du Général Leclerc 

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