[pve-devel] Proxmox compatible Android client (Opaque) available for beta testing

i iordanov iiordanov at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 17:08:19 CET 2013

My application is going to be open-source soon, I haven't decided whether
to integrate it into bVNC or keep it separate and the code is not ready yet.

The part of the application which establishes the SPICE connection is
already present in full in bVNC (from which aSPICE is created). The only
part which is not open-source is the UI.

I agree that if I want to support Proxmox I should have a server installed,
but that's something that may happen in the new year. I don't have any
hardware to dedicate to a server at the moment.

Cheers and thanks!

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Dietmar Maurer <dietmar at proxmox.com>wrote:

> > If you would like to confirm my hypothesis, please try to *download* the
> file
> > somehow, and then tap on it. Opaque should start and work.
> I think it is extremely clumsy to debug that way. I think you should setup
> PVE server
> yourself. Installation takes just a few minutes.
> You application is closed source, so nowbody can debug it than yourself.

The conscious mind has only one thread of execution.
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