[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-zsync 1/5] improve vm_exist: now it check both lxc and qemu and return the type of the VM

Wolfgang Link w.link at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 5 09:00:26 CET 2015

 pve-zsync | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pve-zsync b/pve-zsync
index d16b60a..1211ff1 100644
--- a/pve-zsync
+++ b/pve-zsync
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ my $CONFIG_PATH = "/var/lib/${PROGNAME}/";
 my $STATE = "${CONFIG_PATH}sync_state";
 my $CRONJOBS = "/etc/cron.d/$PROGNAME";
 my $PATH = "/usr/sbin/";
-my $QEMU_CONF = "/etc/pve/local/qemu-server/";
+my $PVE_DIR = "/etc/pve/local/";
+my $QEMU_CONF = "${PVE_DIR}qemu-server/";
+my $LXC_CONF = "${PVE_DIR}lxc/";
 my $INTERVAL = 15;
@@ -429,14 +431,19 @@ sub list {
 sub vm_exists {
     my ($target) = @_;
+    my @cmd = ('ssh', "root\@$target->{ip}", '--') if $target->{ip};
-    my $cmd = [];
-    push @$cmd, 'ssh', "root\@$target->{ip}", '--', if $target->{ip};
-    push @$cmd, 'qm', 'status', $target->{vmid};
+    my $res = undef;
-    my $res = run_cmd($cmd);
+    eval { $res = run_cmd([@cmd, 'ls',  "$QEMU_CONF$target->{vmid}.conf"]) };
+    return "qemu" if $res;
+    eval { $res = run_cmd([@cmd, 'ls',  "$LXC_CONF$target->{vmid}.conf"]) };
+    return "lxc" if $res;
-    return 1 if ($res =~ m/^status.*$/);
     return undef;
@@ -467,7 +474,9 @@ sub init {
     die "Pool $source->{path} does not exists\n" if undef($check);
-    die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if $param->{vmid} && !vm_exists($source);
+    my $vm_type = vm_exists($source);
+    die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if $param->{vmid} && !$vm_type;
     die "Config already exists\n" if $cfg->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}};
@@ -542,14 +551,18 @@ sub sync {
+    my $vm_type = vm_exists($source);
+    $source->{vm_type} = $vm_type;
     if ($job) {
 	$job->{state} = "syncing";
+	$job->{vm_type} = $vm_type if !$job->{vm_type};
 	if ($source->{vmid}) {
-	    die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if !vm_exists($source);
+	    die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if !$vm_type;
 	    my $disks = get_disks($source);
 	    foreach my $disk (sort keys %{$disks}) {

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