[pve-devel] [PATCH manager] remove not needed vnc code

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Thu Dec 22 15:09:11 CET 2016

since we access novnc always with the NoVncIndex.pm and never in extjs
itself, we can delete this code

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
 www/manager6/VNCConsole.js | 425 ---------------------------------------------
 www/manager6/Workspace.js  |  80 ---------
 2 files changed, 505 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/manager6/VNCConsole.js b/www/manager6/VNCConsole.js
index 5980748..b81aa77 100644
--- a/www/manager6/VNCConsole.js
+++ b/www/manager6/VNCConsole.js
@@ -48,428 +48,3 @@ Ext.define('PVE.noVncConsole', {
-Ext.define('PVE.VNCConsole', {
-    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
-    alias: 'widget.pveVNCConsole',
-    last_novnc_state: undefined,
-    last_novnc_msg: undefined,
-    layout: 'fit',
-    border: false,
-    detectMigratedVM: function() {
-	var me = this;
-	if (!me.vmid) {
-	    return;
-	}
-	// try to detect migrated VM
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    url: '/cluster/resources',
-	    method: 'GET',
-	    success: function(response) {
-		var list = response.result.data;
-		Ext.Array.each(list, function(item) {
-		    if (item.type === 'qemu' && item.vmid == me.vmid) {
-			if (item.node !== me.nodename) {
-			    me.nodename = item.node;
-			    me.url = "/nodes/" + me.nodename + "/" + item.type + "/" + me.vmid + "/vncproxy";
-			    me.wsurl = "/nodes/" + me.nodename + "/" + item.type + "/" + me.vmid + "/vncwebsocket";
-			    me.reloadApplet();
-			}
-			return false; // break
-		    }
-		});
-	    }
-	});
-    },
-    initComponent : function() {
-	var me = this;
-	if (!me.url) {
-	    throw "no url specified";
-	}
-	var myid = me.id + "-vncapp";
-	me.appletID = myid;
-	var box;
-	if (!me.wsurl) {
-	    throw "no web socket url specified";
-	}
-	box = Ext.create('Ext.ux.IFrame', { id: myid });
-	var resize_window = function() {
-	    //console.log("resize");
-	    var aw;
-	    var ah;
-	    var novnciframe = box.getFrame();
-	    // noVNC_canvas
-	    var innerDoc = novnciframe.contentDocument || novnciframe.contentWindow.document;
-	    aw = innerDoc.getElementById('noVNC_canvas').width;
-	    ah = innerDoc.getElementById('noVNC_canvas').height + 8;
-	    var novnc_state = innerDoc.getElementById('noVNC_status_state').innerHTML;
-	    var novnc_msg = innerDoc.getElementById('noVNC_status_msg').innerHTML;
-	    if (novnc_state !== me.last_novnc_state || novnc_msg !== me.last_novnc_msg) {
-		me.last_novnc_state = novnc_state;
-		me.last_novnc_msg = novnc_msg;
-		if (novnc_state !== 'normal') {
-		    PVE.Utils.setErrorMask(box, novnc_msg || 'unknown');
-		} else {
-		    PVE.Utils.setErrorMask(box); // clear mask
-		}
-		if (novnc_state === 'disconnected') {
-		    me.detectMigratedVM();
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (aw < 640) { aw = 640; }
-	    if (ah < 400) { ah = 400; }
-	    var tbar = me.getDockedItems("[dock=top]")[0];
-	    var tbh = tbar ? tbar.getHeight() : 0;
-	    var oh;
-	    var ow;
-	    //console.log("size0 " + aw + " " + ah + " tbh " + tbh);
-	    if (window.innerHeight) {
-		oh = window.innerHeight;
-		ow = window.innerWidth;
-	    } else if (document.documentElement &&
-		       document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
-		oh = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-		ow = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
-	    } else if (document.body) {
-		oh = document.body.clientHeight;
-		ow = document.body.clientWidth;
-	    }  else {
-		throw "can't get window size";
-	    }
-	    var offsetw = aw - ow;
-	    var offseth = ah + tbh - oh;
-	    if (offsetw !== 0 || offseth !== 0) {
-		//console.log("try resize by " + offsetw + " " + offseth);
-		try { window.resizeBy(offsetw, offseth); } catch (e) {}
-	    }
-	    Ext.Function.defer(resize_window, 1000);
-	};
-	var start_vnc_viewer = function(param) {
-	    var pveparams = Ext.urlEncode({
-		port: param.port,
-		vncticket: param.ticket
-	    });
-	    var urlparams = Ext.urlEncode({
-		encrypt: 1,
-		path: "api2/json" + me.wsurl + "?" + pveparams,
-		password: param.ticket
-	    });
-	    box.load('/novnc/vnc_pve.html?' + urlparams);
-	    Ext.Function.defer(resize_window, 1000);
-	};
-	Ext.apply(me, {
-	    scrollable: me.toplevel ? false : true,
-	    items: box,
-	    reloadApplet: function() {
-		var params = Ext.apply({}, me.params);
-		params.websocket = 1;
-		PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-		    url: me.url,
-		    params: params,
-		    method: me.method || 'POST',
-		    failure: function(response, opts) {
-			box.update(gettext('Error') + ' ' + response.htmlStatus);
-		    },
-		    success: function(response, opts) {
-			start_vnc_viewer(response.result.data);
-		    }
-		});
-	    }
-	});
-	me.callParent();
-	if (me.toplevel) {
-	    me.on("render", me.reloadApplet);
-	} else {
-	    me.on("activate", me.reloadApplet);
-	    me.on("hide", function() { box.update(""); });
-	}
-    }
-Ext.define('PVE.KVMConsole', {
-    extend: 'PVE.VNCConsole',
-    alias: 'widget.pveKVMConsole',
-    initComponent : function() {
-	var me = this;
-	if (!me.nodename) {
-	    throw "no node name specified";
-	}
-	if (!me.vmid) {
-	    throw "no VM ID specified";
-	}
-	var baseUrl = "/nodes/" + me.nodename + "/qemu/" + me.vmid;
-	var vm_command = function(cmd, params, reload_applet) {
-	    PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-		params: params,
-		url: baseUrl + "/status/" + cmd,
-		method: 'POST',
-		waitMsgTarget: me,
-		failure: function(response, opts) {
-		    Ext.Msg.alert('Error', response.htmlStatus);
-		},
-		success: function() {
-		    if (reload_applet) {
-			Ext.Function.defer(me.reloadApplet, 1000, me);
-		    }
-		}
-	    });
-	};
-	var tbar = [
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Start'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    vm_command("start", {}, 1);
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Shutdown'),
-		handler: function() {		    
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('qmshutdown', me.vmid);
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command('shutdown');
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Stop'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('qmstop', me.vmid);
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command("stop");
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'pveQemuSendKeyMenu',
-		nodename: me.nodename,
-		vmid: me.vmid
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Reset'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('qmreset', me.vmid);
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command("reset");
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Suspend'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('qmsuspend', me.vmid);
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command("suspend");
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Resume'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    vm_command("resume");
-		}
-	    },
-	    // Note: no migrate here, because we can't display migrate log
-            {
-                text: gettext('Console'),
-                handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Utils.openVNCViewer('kvm', me.vmid, me.nodename, me.vmname);
-		}
-            },
-            '->',
-	    {
-                text: gettext('Reload'),
-                handler: function () {
-		    me.reloadApplet();
-		}
-	    }
-	];
-	Ext.apply(me, {
-	    tbar: tbar,
-	    url: baseUrl + "/vncproxy",
-	    wsurl: baseUrl + "/vncwebsocket"
-	});
-	me.callParent();
-    }
-Ext.define('PVE.LxcConsole', {
-    extend: 'PVE.VNCConsole',
-    alias: 'widget.pveLxcConsole',
-    initComponent : function() {
-	var me = this;
-	if (!me.nodename) {
-	    throw "no node name specified";
-	}
-	if (!me.vmid) {
-	    throw "no VM ID specified";
-	}
-	var baseUrl = "/nodes/" + me.nodename + "/lxc/" + me.vmid;
-	var vm_command = function(cmd, params, reload_applet) {
-	    PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-		params: params,
-		url: baseUrl + "/status/" + cmd,
-		waitMsgTarget: me,
-		method: 'POST',
-		failure: function(response, opts) {
-		    Ext.Msg.alert('Error', response.htmlStatus);
-		},
-		success: function() {
-		    if (reload_applet) {
-			Ext.Function.defer(me.reloadApplet, 1000, me);
-		    }
-		}
-	    });
-	};
-	var tbar = [
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Start'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    vm_command("start");
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Shutdown'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('vzshutdown', me.vmid);		    
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command("shutdown");
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Stop'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    var msg = PVE.Utils.format_task_description('vzstop', me.vmid);
-		    Ext.Msg.confirm(gettext('Confirm'), msg, function(btn) {
-			if (btn !== 'yes') {
-			    return;
-			}
-			vm_command("stop");
-		    });
-		}
-	    },
-	    // Note: no migrate here, because we can't display migrate log
-            '->',
-	    {
-                text: gettext('Reload'),
-                handler: function () {
-		    me.reloadApplet();
-		}
-	    }
-	];
-	Ext.apply(me, {
-	    tbar: tbar,
-	    url: baseUrl + "/vncproxy",
-	    wsurl: baseUrl + "/vncwebsocket"
-	});
-	me.callParent();
-    }
-Ext.define('PVE.Shell', {
-    extend: 'PVE.VNCConsole',
-    alias: 'widget.pveShell',
-    ugradeSystem: false, // set to true to run "apt-get dist-upgrade"
-    initComponent : function() {
-	var me = this;
-	if (!me.nodename) {
-	    throw "no node name specified";
-	}
-	var tbar = [ '->' ];
-	if (!me.ugradeSystem) {
-	    // we dont want to restart the upgrade script
-	    tbar.push({
-                text: gettext('Reload'),
-                handler: function () { me.reloadApplet(); }
-	    });
-	}
-	tbar.push({
-	    text: gettext('Shell'),
-	    handler: function() {
-		PVE.Utils.openVNCViewer('shell', undefined, me.nodename, undefined);
-	    }
-	});
-	var baseUrl = "/nodes/" + me.nodename;
-	Ext.apply(me, {
-	    tbar: tbar,
-	    url: baseUrl + "/vncshell",
-	    wsurl: baseUrl + "/vncwebsocket"
-	});
-	if (me.ugradeSystem) {
-	    me.params = { upgrade: 1 };
-	}
-	me.callParent();
-    }
diff --git a/www/manager6/Workspace.js b/www/manager6/Workspace.js
index 48eb05d..d5e7d71 100644
--- a/www/manager6/Workspace.js
+++ b/www/manager6/Workspace.js
@@ -101,86 +101,6 @@ Ext.define('PVE.Workspace', {
-Ext.define('PVE.ConsoleWorkspace', {
-    extend: 'PVE.Workspace',
-    alias: ['widget.pveConsoleWorkspace'],
-    title: gettext('Console'),
-    initComponent : function() {
-	// novnc is a string in param
-	// but a boolean in content
-	/*jslint confusion: true*/
-	var me = this;
-	var param = Ext.Object.fromQueryString(window.location.search);
-	var consoleType = me.consoleType || param.console;
-	param.novnc = (param.novnc === '1') ? true : false;
-	var content;
-	if (consoleType === 'kvm') {
-	    me.title = "VM " + param.vmid;
-	    if (param.vmname) {
-		me.title += " ('" + param.vmname + "')";
-	    }
-	    content = {
-		xtype: 'pveKVMConsole',
-		novnc: param.novnc,
-		vmid: param.vmid,
-		nodename: param.node,
-		vmname: param.vmname,
-		toplevel: true
-	    };
-	} else if (consoleType === 'lxc') {
-	    me.title = "CT " + param.vmid;
-	    if (param.vmname) {
-		me.title += " ('" + param.vmname + "')";
-	    }
-	    content = {
-		xtype: 'pveLxcConsole',
-		novnc: param.novnc,
-		vmid: param.vmid,
-		nodename: param.node,
-		vmname: param.vmname,
-		toplevel: true
-	    };
-	} else if (consoleType === 'shell') {
-	    me.title = "node '" + param.node + "'";
-	    content = {
-		xtype: 'pveShell',
-		novnc: param.novnc,
-		nodename: param.node,
-		toplevel: true
-	    };
-	} else if (consoleType === 'upgrade') {
-	    me.title = Ext.String.format(gettext('System upgrade on node {0}'), "'" + param.node + "'");
-	    content = {
-		xtype: 'pveShell',
-		novnc: param.novnc,
-		nodename: param.node,
-		ugradeSystem: true,
-		toplevel: true
-	    };
-	} else {
-	    content = {
-		border: false,
-		bodyPadding: 10,
-		html: gettext('Error') + ': No such console type'
-	    };
-	}
-	Ext.apply(me, {
-	    layout: { type: 'fit' },
-	    border: false,
-	    items: [ content ]
-	});
-	me.callParent();       
-    }
 Ext.define('PVE.StdWorkspace', {
     extend: 'PVE.Workspace',

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