[pve-devel] [PATCH cluster v2 0/3] pvecm: cleanup module usage

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 16 15:27:50 CET 2017

cleanup some unused modules and try to use our helpers instead of some
other modules.

As pvecm is a CLIHandler, which is not used anywhere else (i.e., it's a
leaf node from the POV of Perl module dependencies), this is safe to do,
there's no risk that we provided a module which was forgotten to import
in a child of ours, so that our removal here would let the child module
fail (there is surely a more concise, less confusing way to say this).

changes since v1:
* wrongly assumed that becazse make_path and dirname are in perl core
  they need no use.

Thomas Lamprecht (3):
  pvecm: remove unused variable
  pvecm: module cleanup: use our get_host_address_family
  pvecm: module cleanup: remove unused modules

 data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm | 9 ++-------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)


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