[PVE-User] feature request - automatically add all iSCSI targets which were discovered

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Sat Oct 24 00:30:57 CEST 2009

With lots of targets running on a single SAN, it is problematic to add 
them all in Proxmox VE 1.4 interface - as you'd have to add each and 
every one manually. With 40 targets or so, it's just unreasonable.

It would be great if it was possible to discover them all; as "Storage 
name" (should be also automatic) I would give a choice:

- the "scsi_id" presented by the iSCSI target (this can be set on the 
target), or,

- everything after ":", i.e. "san3.nagios1" if the name of the target 
was "iqn.2009-03.net.syneticon:san3.nagios1"

Tomasz Chmielewski

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