[PVE-User] Proxmox VE 2.1 released!

Alain Péan alain.pean at lpp.polytechnique.fr
Sat Apr 28 09:18:56 CEST 2012

Le 28/04/2012 07:54, Dietmar Maurer a écrit :
>> I must add that I am using only KVM, and installed in the past the
>> 2.6.35 kernel, when, if I remember correctly, KSM was not available with the
>> openvz kernel.
> Please use kernel 2.6.32!!

Hi Dietmar,

It was (it is) the case. As I said, I used the 2.6.35 at a time when KSM 
was not available, but later came back with 2.6.32, and when I did the 
migration, I was on the last kernel, 2.6.32-7. But, meanwhile, it seems 
the it remained some traces of 2.6.35...

In any case, thanks for the 2.1 release. The new lvm2 package, avoiding 
some problems with vzdump, and the VM boot order are very welcome 
additions ! You are doing a very good job.


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