[PVE-User] Proxmox VE API

NGUYEN Duc Quan qn at beewee.lu
Mon Jun 25 16:12:38 CEST 2012


First off, thank you for the open proxmox ve api. I'm a bit of a newbie regarding proxmox ve but I think this is the Place where I could get help.

I'm currently working with the proxmox ve api for the version 2.1. To read information from the nodes and the vm there's no problem. But I'm stuck at executing actions like reset, start and stop on the vm's. I use the REST API to be independent from any platforms.

Here's an example of the URL I call

With the post information:

- the pveauthcookie
- the node name
- and the vmid

The response I get is


I'm currently logged in as root. So normally I should have all the needed rights.

Did I forgot to implement some special post values? Or did I forgot to activate a flag for REST API in my configs? Or isn't it possible to execute actions on vm's, yet?

I would appreciate any kind of hint.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,


	Nguyen Duc Quan |Mobile Device Developer
 qn at beewee.lu|www.beewee.lu
 +352 20 20 22 75 |   1-3 millewee, L-7257 Walferdange 		
We create apps, websites and brands.Thank You.
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