[PVE-User] About openvswitch: just for testing purpose

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Thu Feb 20 13:09:43 CET 2014

Hi, indeed, proxmox only support openvswitch with kernel 3.10

(openvswitch in 2.6.32 is really old)

>>Any idea to implement OVSTunnel in the interface? 
Do you mean in web pve-manager ? 
I'll try to have a look at it soon. (I'll try to implement vxlan for classic linux bridge and openvswitch)

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Diaolin" <diaolin at diaolin.com> 
À: "pve-user pve.proxmox.com" <pve-user at pve.proxmox.com> 
Envoyé: Jeudi 20 Février 2014 11:13:51 
Objet: [PVE-User] About openvswitch: just for testing purpose 

I'm testing the "testing" release in a minimal production env 

(15 vm on 2 nodes) 

The switch works (OVSBridge) 
but i'm searching to enable a tunnel between three nodes 
in this manner: 


auto vmbr1 
iface vmbr1 inet static 
ovs_type OVSBridge 
ovs_ports vx1 

allow-vmbr1 vx1 
iface vx1 inet manual 
ovs_type OVSTunnel 
ovs-bridge vmbr1 
ovs_tunnel_type vxlan 
ovs_tunnel_options options:remote_ip= options:key=flow 

seems that gre and vxlan are not compiled in... 

in the two cases (gre and vxlan) 

but i've seen that if using 3.1.10 it works like a charme 


in the 2.6.32-27-pve the vxlan and the gre are missing 


is this related to the backporting of openvswitch??? 

I take a look at the sources and seems that gre/vxlan are 
missing in the 2.32 tree... 

In any case no problem, only as advice for who is testing: 

in the 2.6.32 no way to configure vxlan or gre on OVSTunnel. 

Any idea to implement OVSTunnel in the interface? 


Tx, Diaolin 

tail -3 /var/log/openvswitcd/ovs-vswitchd.log 
2014-02-20T09:34:31.642Z|00019|dpif|WARN|system at ovs-system: failed to 
add vxlan1 as port: Address family not supported by protocol 
2014-02-20T09:35:39.035Z|00020|dpif|WARN|system at ovs-system: failed to 
add gre1 as port: Address family not supported by protocol 
2014-02-20T09:36:16.139Z|00021|dpif|WARN|system at ovs-system: failed to 
add gre1 as port: Address family not supported by protocol 

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