[PVE-User] Hot resize of Windows virtio disks ?

Gilou contact+dev at gilouweb.com
Wed Jul 9 23:05:43 CEST 2014

Le 09/07/2014 21:46, Alain Péan a écrit :
> Hi Gilberto,
> Le 09/07/2014 21:20, Gilberto Nunes a écrit :
>> I make some research here, I seems to me that resize disk works only
>> with no-system boot disk.
>> So, with C: wouldn't work!
> If you read carefully the first post, and the code extract, it seems
> that it is caused by the Proxmox code in qemi.pm, that says :
> "die "you can't online resize a virtio windows bootdisk\n" "
> So it is explicitly forbiden by the code, even if it should be possible
> wirh Win7/8, 2008 R2/2012 (I never tried and did not verified).
> It requires some change in the code, allowing resizing for thses OSes.
> Alain


To my knowledge, Win2008 (R2, at least) allows a hot resize of the 
system disk, and 2012 (and R2) certainly does. But that might be related 
to something else, like a compatibility issue with the virtio drivers 
and hot resize ?

As far as I tested, it works nicely : Windows reports the block_resize 
properly. I can't find anything recent describing any issue with that 
feature on the virtio side.. So I'd say, off with the condition, let us 
resize at will.

Besides, it shouldn't be Proxmox API's work to tell you that the OS 
won't let you resize the disk, as it won't harm it if it can't detect 
it, and can only avoid you forgetting about resizing it at the next 
reboot if so..



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