[PVE-User] DRBD over Switches

Joerg Hanebuth Joerg at im-www.biz
Thu Mar 19 17:07:05 CET 2015

Hi PVE-Users ;)

I got a problem with DRBD over two managed layer 2 switches.

It's a installation at a customer and i cant access the switch-management.

The networkadmin aksed me for special features that drbd will need.
I tried to find out if drbd needs some special kind of castings - like multi, uni or broadcast.
But can't find any concrete in the web to answer him.

Please help.

Gruesse / Regards
Joerg Hanebuth
IT-Services - Hamburg e.K.
Heinsonweg 59b, 22359, Hamburg
Tel. +494079100220 FAX. +494079100223
joerg at im-www.biz<mailto:joerg at im-www.biz> http://www.im-www.biz
Sitz / Amtsgericht: Hamburg HRA 112575
Inhaber: Joerg Hanebuth

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