[PVE-User] Understanding lvm-thin

Yoslan Raul Jimenez Carvajal yraul at uniss.edu.cu
Thu Jun 9 22:32:16 CEST 2016

Hello I am writing to see if I can help or guidance about my situation.

First of all I used Proxmox since version 1.7 I tested the versions that 
come and go after upgrade.
It turns out that I have a cluster with version 3.4 I want to install 
the latest version but the question arises of lvm-thin because I use 
mount points for data examples are these

mp0: /var/lib/vz/datastore/se, mp = /var/www/se

mp0: /var/lib/vz/datastore/wikipedia/wikipedia, mp =/var/wikipedia

as seen in /var/lib/vz save the information as backups

now I can not copy the information for that mount point because when 
installing Proxmox told him cojiera 10Gb for the root.

Is there any way to copy the information to the lvm-thin partition?

Is there any way to install Proxmox with support only for lvm?

thanks and hope not to upset my English

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