[PVE-User] qemu write cache mode

Dhaussy Alexandre ADhaussy at voyages-sncf.com
Tue Jan 3 11:33:07 CET 2017


I just spotted something strange with storage cache mode.

I set cache=none on all my VMs (i believe this is the default), however 
qm monitor says "writeback, direct".

Am i missing something ?

root at proxmoxt20:~# qm monitor 198
Entering Qemu Monitor for VM 198 - type 'help' for help
qm> info block
drive-virtio0 (#block127): /dev/T_proxmox_1/vm-198-disk-1 (raw)
     Cache mode:       writeback, direct
     Detect zeroes:    on

Process command line :

/usr/bin/kvm -id 198............-drive 
cache=none,aio=native,detect-zeroes=on -device 
a,bootindex=100 -netdev

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