[PVE-User] Proxmox API: novnc 401 ticket error

TotallyHosted - Martin Kruijff info at totallyhosted.nl
Mon Oct 9 11:17:48 CEST 2017

Hello Everyone,

A problem I am facing is getting a ticket for NOVNC submitted. I keep 
getting an error ("401 no ticket" in NOVNC). I am trying to remote 
connect via the API.

I tried getting NOVNC to work with 2 wrappers, 
<https://github.com/ZzAntares/ProxmoxVE> version is below. The other 
version is https://github.com/CpuID/pve2-api-php-client 

$server = 'myip';
$user = 'root';
$pass = 'mypass';

// Create your Credentials object
$credentials = new Credentials($server, $user, $pass);

// realm and port defaults to 'pam' and '8006' but you can specify them 
like so
//$credentials = new Credentials($server, $user, $pass, 'pam', '9009');

// Then simply pass your Credentials object when creating the API client 
$proxmox = new Proxmox($credentials);

$action = $proxmox->create("/nodes/mynode/qemu/201/vncproxy");

$vncwebsocket = $proxmox->get("nodes/mynode/qemu/201/vncwebsocket", 
array('port' => $action['data']['port'], 'vncticket' => 

frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="1024px" height="768px"></iframe>

var_dumping $vncwebsocket results in just a port in the data array.

No errors in the httpd error log.

The strange thing is, when I log in to my Proxmox control panel, the 
NOVNC screen starts to work and all seems fine. When I log out, I get 
the same 401 no ticket error.

Any thoughts?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

PS: i am using the 2.1.1 version without guzzle (I am working with PHP 7.0)

Kind regards,


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