[PVE-User] Custom storage in ProxMox 5

Mark Schouten mark at tuxis.nl
Tue Apr 3 10:43:29 CEST 2018

On Sat, 2018-03-31 at 09:58 +1000, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> The performance I got with Ceph was sub optimal - as mentioned
> earlier, 
> if you throw lots of money at Enterprise hardware & SSD's then its
> ok, 
> but that sort of expenditure was not possible for our SMB. Something
> not 
> mentioned is that it does not do well on small setups. A bare minimum
> is 
> 5 nodes with multiple OSD's.

Samsung PM863(a) disks are not that expensive and perform very well.
Also, a three-node setup with a single OSD per node works perfectly.

> Adding/replacing/removing OSD's can be a nightmare. The potential to 
> trash your pools is only one mistep away.

I really don't see how trashing a pool is one misstep away. That would
really take an enormous idiot.

I don't know Lizardfs, so I have no opinion about that. But it seems
your experiences with Ceph are not in sync with any other experience I

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Mark Schouten  | Tuxis Internet Engineering
KvK: 61527076  | http://www.tuxis.nl/
T: 0318 200208 | info at tuxis.nl

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