[PVE-User] Loosing network connectivity in a VM

Mark Schouten mark at tuxis.nl
Tue Jan 2 13:41:43 CET 2018


I have a VM running Debian Stretch, with three interfaces. Two VirtIO 
interfaces and one E1000.

In the last few days one of the Virtio interfaces stopped responding. The 
other interfaces are working flawlessly.

The Virtio-interface in question is the busiest interface, but at the moment 
the the interface stops responding, it's not busy at all.

tcpdump shows me ARP-traffic going out, but nothing coming back.

I experienced this with other VM's on this (physical) machine as, making me 
believe it is a new bug in KVM/Virtio. 

The config of the VM is quite default, as is the config for other VM's on which 
I experienced this same issue.

Has anybody seen this behaviour before, does anyone have an idea what to do 
about it?

root at host02:~# pveversion 
pve-manager/5.0-30/5ab26bc (running kernel: 4.10.17-2-pve)

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Mark Schouten  | Tuxis Internet Engineering
KvK: 61527076  | http://www.tuxis.nl/
T: 0318 200208 | info at tuxis.nl

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