[PVE-User] Pickup a existing machine to a cluster

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Thu Mar 1 14:14:41 CET 2018

On 3/1/18 12:21 PM, Gregor Burck wrote:
> Hi,


> I want to start build an cluster.
> I start with on machine, fresh install.
> It is possible to pickup an node to the cluster, wich esist longer and 've existing virtual machines?

Normally it's easier to create the cluster on the existing node already in use.
As on cluster create nothing gets lost, but when joining a cluster we start with
a fresh cluster filesystem.

But normally you can save /etc/pve/nodes/NODENAME folder and optionally
storage, firewall, etc. configs of your existing node, add it to an existing
cluster with '--force' and restore the VM configuration files and merge the
storage, firewall, etc files.
You just need to ensure that there will be no VMID conflict...


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