[PVE-User] PVE is using CEPH 12.2.7 but 10.2.5 is only avaible in Debian repos

Jonathan Sélea jonathan at selea.se
Tue Sep 11 21:57:57 CEST 2018

On 2018-09-11 09:08, Alexandre DERUMIER wrote:
>>> I am trying to diagnose a performance issue we have in our cluster.
>>> What we found is that Proxmox 5 is using Ceph Luminous 12.2.7, but 
>>> our
>>> clients that is mounting Cephfs is running Jewel 10.2.5 – Is this an 
>>> issue?
> It's better to use matching version packages for client too. (last
> kernel or last ceph-fuse).
> ceph.com provide packages for debian with differents release
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/install/get-packages/?highlight=debian

But unfortunately it seems they only offer Jewel via the repositories 
for Debian 9.
I guess I have to upgrade the kernel.

Does maybee the linux-libre kernel support it? Or have they removed ceph 
support for some reason.

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