Developer Workstations with Proxmox VE and X11

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Proxmox VE is primarily used as virtualization platform with NO additional software installed. In some case it makes sense to have a full desktop running on Proxmox VE, for example for developers using Proxmox VE as their primary workstation/desktop.

Installing additional packages could lead to a hardly upgradeable system and is not supported from the Proxmox support team and therefore only for expert use.

Install a standard Proxmox VE system

Just install the standard Proxmox VE, following this guide: Installation

Install X-windows

Update your repository and system by running:

# aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade

I choose xfce4 desktop as this a lightweight desktop environment. If you prefer another one, just replace xfce4 with lxde, gnome, icewm, kde, ...

# aptitude install xfce4 gdm3 iceweasel

Start X-windows

Before starting the x-windows, create a normal user with:

# adduser newusername

Start the login manager:

service gdm3 start

or just reboot.

Install Oracle Java Browser Plugin

To install Oracle Java, see Java_Console_(Ubuntu)

We recommend to install Google Chrome browser, as iceweasel on Squeeze is too outdated.