[PVE-User] Problem while adding VM on a cluster's node (unable to parse value)

Maciej Paszta maciej.paszta at secpl.cs.put.poznan.pl
Wed Aug 11 07:56:38 CEST 2010


I've recently configured Proxmox environment with 4 cluster nodes. On 
all of the but one I can create VM without any problems. However, when 
I'm trying to create VM on one of the nodes (slave node) I keep getting 
/usr/bin/ssh -t -t -n -o BatchMode=yes /usr/sbin/qm create 
118 --cdrom cdrom --name test --vlan0 'virtio=2E:14:BD:5B:E1:8E' 
--virtio0 'local:5,format=raw' --bootdisk virtio0 --ostype other 
--memory 512 --onboot no --sockets 1

unable to parse value for 'vlan0'
unable to parse value for 'virtio0'
Connection to closed.
unable to apply VM settings -

No other node exposes the same behavior. If I try to run the very same 
command either from master node (via ssh) or directly on the node, VM 
machine is created. I've tried looking into the logs but I don't see 
anything meaningful.

Maciej Paszta
Mobile Systems Research Labs, Poznan University of Technology

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