[PVE-User] Script for copying VMs?

Dietmar Maurer dietmar at proxmox.com
Fri Dec 10 05:48:42 CET 2010

> So I can use qmrestore with OpenVZ dumps? If so, then what's the
> difference to vzrestore?

Sigh, you are right. You can backup OpenVZ container with the new 
-stdout option, but vzrestore has nor -stdout option (somebody needs
to write that)

> > > And the TAR will still be created in memory,
> >
> > no, nothing is held in memory (we write to a pipe instead).
> That's what I meant. That vzdump still wraps all files in a TAR structure.
> Even if the complete TAR is not held in memory.
> > >  it won't copy directly to a new
> > > directory?
> >
> > it creates a pipe - format is still tar - but I don't see how that
> > matters.
> > [...]
> If I want to create a new VM immediately (opposed to storing the TAR)
> wouldn't it be easier and faster to simply copy the files? I'm concerned a little
> bit about the TAR overhead if I have many files in my VM. But I never
> measured the overhead so I can't complain.

No, I don't think there is much overhead.

- Dietmar

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