[PVE-User] Access VM with spice

Michael Rasmussen mir at miras.org
Mon May 12 18:54:18 CEST 2014

On Mon, 12 May 2014 13:24:02 -0300
Gilberto Nunes <gilberto.nunes32 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again
> I try to use the perl script, but I get the error:
> No such file or directory...
> I can list the VM running on the server, but I can't launch it
> I am sending a screenshot...
> Any idea?
These lines needs to be changed to adapt to windows:
open (PROXY, '>/tmp/spiceproxy') or die "$!\n";
my $cmd = ('remote-viewer /tmp/spiceproxy > /dev/null 2>&1');

I guess your windows computer does not have a /tmp folder?

Try attached file instead.

I have no windows computer here so I cannot test it.

PS. You have send a screendump containing username and password for
root so you are advised to change it.

Michael Rasmussen

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michael <at> rasmussen <dot> cc
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/usr/games/fortune -es says:
  May I ask a question?
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