[PVE-User] sequential node backup

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Fri Feb 22 09:04:02 CET 2019

On 2/21/19 9:14 PM, Roberto Alvarado wrote:
> Hi Foks!
> If someone can help me with this…. I’m looking for a way to do a sequential backup of all my proxmox nodes, for example for the node1, node2, node3, start the backup process with the node1 when this node finish the backup, now start with the node2 , and the same when this node finish the backup process start with the node3.
> Now when you want to configure the backups, you can select only the time/day/vms for each node, but this don't prevent two nodes backing up at the same time, and this what I want to avoid.
> For example, if you set up a backup job for “ALL” nodes, all the nodes start the backup job at the same time, this is overkill for my backup storage :(
> If someone have an idea or workaround for this, will be great!

what you could do is to leverage the possibility to have a hookscript
per host for backups, so you could start a backup on machine 2 at the 
end of backup of machine 1 etc.

the disadvantage is that you do not see the secondary backup jobs in the 

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